Apply Imagination Brillian Solutions--On Purpose!

Join us for one or all of our Muse of the Month Adventures!

Bring Your Creativity to Life in 2009! Nurture and Express your creative spirit --at home, at work, in your studio, in the community!

Muse of the Month Club is a series of monthly Sunday evening gatherings that take you on a creative journey throughout 2009. Each meeting addresses a key aspect of the creative process, and offers inspiration, engaging activities, practical tools, and insightful discussions to awaken and celebrate your authentic self expression. The series flows as a unit, although individual sessions can be experienced independently. Choose one (or more).

Themes and Dates for 2009:

February 1: Articulating Your Heart's Desire: What's Your Creative Dream for 2009?

March 1: Developing an Invisible Protective Shield (against baddies like the inner critic, distractions, self-sabotage, etc.)

April 12: Staying Awake! Paying Attention to Possibilities

May 10: Just Imagine! Generating Ideas and Fresh Perspectives

June 7: The Amazing Power of PLAY! (It's right now...Do you know where your inner child is?)

July 19: Gentle Self-care: Ways to Nurture Your Inner Creative Spirit

August 2: Perfectionism and its Discontents: Celebrating the Gifts of the "Mistake"

September 13: Courageous Authenticity! Staying BOLD and Brave

October 4: The Pause that Refreshes: The Healing Nature of Rest and Gratitude

November 1: Appreciating the Dark Side: How our Shadow Self Contributes to the Creative Process

Cost: Each session costs $25.00 Buy a series ticket for all ten for $200.00

Time and place: Sunday evenings, 7-9:30 pm, Chapel Hill

For more information, to register, or to join our email list for updates, contact:, 919-932-7234


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